Who can you trust?

This question is often asked by, probably… everyone.  I, Lisa, just attended a seminar titled “The Truth About Trust”.  This seminar is the first course level in Ambassadors for Trust, designed from the heart by Vanessa Hall.  Vanessa is from Australia and came to Uganda (and to many other nations around the world) to teach this to organizations in order to help them learn how to understand “TRUST”.

Lisa receiving her Ambassadors for trust level one certificate from Vanessa Hall

This seminar was conducted after the conclusion of The East African Christian Education Summit held at the Uganda Christian University in Mukono.  The theme of the Summit was “Christian education in Age of Bureaucracy.” Over 150 people attended.  Members of this group represented 17 countries, four continents, by one Spirit and for the glory of our One Father in the name of Jesus.

There were a number of speakers and presenters.  12 people were asked to write an article (“paper”) on various sub-topics relating to the theme.  I was asked to be one of these twelve and had the privilege to present at the Summit.  Keith and I were so blessed and very much changed through this experience. 

Presenting at the East African Christian Education Summit

We realized how rich and strong the family of God is in Africa. These ministries are all international members of The Association of Christian Schools International, and we have now connected to many counties in Africa that will be partnering with us in contributing to and using the Roots to Fruits Christian Curriculum!

Our Principal, Martin Mutabazi, our vice-principal, Stella Apio, our Dean of the Educator Development institute, Jeremiah Olara and Keith and I all attended the Summit.  Martin, Jeremah and I remained for the Truth Seminar. We are all looking forward to the changes that will take place in Our Call Missions and Sanctuary of Grace through what we have gained.

We recently had a team visiting us from Alabama, (Moffet Road Baptist Church), that spent several days working at Sanctuary of Grace Christian primary School by reading with our children. One of the team members, Cristy Walter is a teacher. She was able to get us started on an amazing reading program that will boost their literacy levels across all grades. We will be incorporating this into our curriculum and training the teachers and educators in using it. It is adapted form a program that she uses called the Daily 5.

The delightful team from Moffet Road Baptist Church in Mobile, Alabama

The Educators in training spent one week in the village of Kampala-Nyuka getting to know the children and their parents. They conducted some classes and were highly motivated by the experience.  The children there were very receptive, as were the parents.  Please continue to pray for this vision to be fruitful in the name of the Lord.

The amazing Educators teaching at the Village Learning Center in Kampala-Nyuka

Thank you all for your love and support of Keith and I and our team and teachers at Our Call Missions!! Check out the website at www.ourcallmissions.net.


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