From Roots to Fruit
In this current world of globalization: such as Facebook, internet, digital...everything,cell phones, jets, etc., the world seems so connected. Yet deep in the bush, in remote villages of Northern Uganda and the new country of South Sudan there are tens of thousands of children who know only their surroundings and learn only what they live day to day. As both of these countries have suffered decades of war, globalization is an unknown concept. Is that a bad thing?
Eleven years ago, Keith and I came to Uganda as the Lord had called us to do. We gladly left behind our country, culture, family, lifestyle, etc. As we look back over those years here in Uganda, there are too many events, relationships made and some broken, lessons learned, heartaches and heartbreaks, and joys and blessings, to count. But one thread has remained the same...
The children.
The children are the roots of the next generation. What are they learning? What will they become? Getting down deep into the heart of this issue, what can we as missionaries called here, give to them that will effect the Kingdom of God? How can we reach inside their minds and hearts?
According to Jeremiah 17:7, 8 --"Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence indeed is the Lord. He will be like a tree planted by water: it sends its roots out toward a stream, it doesn't fear when heat comes, and its foliage remains green. It will not worry in a year of drought or cease producing fruit."
If we can guide these precious roots toward the stream of Living Water then He will make good His promise!! Through education in schools; through a Christ-centered Biblically integrated curriculum for both Teachers and the children we believe this will do just that.
We invite you to follow us on this journey and meet the people we meet , and love the people we love, and pray for all of us, to the Glory of the Lord's Name; Jesus.
Eleven years ago, Keith and I came to Uganda as the Lord had called us to do. We gladly left behind our country, culture, family, lifestyle, etc. As we look back over those years here in Uganda, there are too many events, relationships made and some broken, lessons learned, heartaches and heartbreaks, and joys and blessings, to count. But one thread has remained the same...
The children.
The children are the roots of the next generation. What are they learning? What will they become? Getting down deep into the heart of this issue, what can we as missionaries called here, give to them that will effect the Kingdom of God? How can we reach inside their minds and hearts?
According to Jeremiah 17:7, 8 --"Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence indeed is the Lord. He will be like a tree planted by water: it sends its roots out toward a stream, it doesn't fear when heat comes, and its foliage remains green. It will not worry in a year of drought or cease producing fruit."
If we can guide these precious roots toward the stream of Living Water then He will make good His promise!! Through education in schools; through a Christ-centered Biblically integrated curriculum for both Teachers and the children we believe this will do just that.
We invite you to follow us on this journey and meet the people we meet , and love the people we love, and pray for all of us, to the Glory of the Lord's Name; Jesus.
May God continue to bless the children of Uganda with your presence, and bless you with the children of Uganda.