Today was the day set aside to encourage our teachers and prepare them for the third term of school.  We have 13 teachers who are all very dedicated to serving the Lord and doing their best to instill into the children a Christlike worldview.

We started out with prayer and Keith shared from Ezekiel 33, reminding them that they are watchmen over the children, that they are very responsible for what goes into their minds and how it is put there.  We are so grateful that here in Uganda our children are not so exposed to the world of media and entertainment. There is less competition for their minds and hearts.  We do face the challenge of traditional ways, ancestral worship, and witchcraft in the beliefs of their parents. But we know that the Holy Spirit will overcome these.

We ended the meeting with each of the teachers making a list of the children in their class. They will take the list home and pray over each child by name, personality and family situation. First of all, and most importantly they will pray for the salvation of each child. And we know that God will answer!!

Pray for us and for our teachers as we continue to teach them through the lens of God's word, and as we continue to learn and grow in Him.


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