Happy New Year
It has been entirely too long since we have written on our
blog. So, let me do so now.
We have just entered into the 2015 year. As the years pass
by we begin to realize how important each moment really is. What are we doing with our minutes, hours,
days and years?
We are in the States right now until March 3rd. We enjoyed the precious and valuable time we
have had with our family members.
Keith’s mom is now 81 years old, but still very sharp, although a couple
of falls have caused her have to use a walker for assistance. My Dad is now 83 and he too, strong and
sharp. But these days we have with them
are short and then we will be gone for another year to Uganda.
Our children and grandchildren are growing in the Lord and
changing as well. We have had lots of
time with them and it seems still not enough.
As wonderful as it is to be with family, our hearts and
minds are always going to our people in Uganda.
When we are here in the States it is easy to see how the busy schedules
and full lifestyles of our country often prevent people from actually realizing
there is another world outside our shores and the inhabitants of this world are
largely without all that we take for granted. You may think that I am talking
about our material wealth in comparison to the poverty of others in third world
countries, but that is not what I am referring to.
I am speaking of less noticeable things such as the lack of
opportunity for any kind of education.
To think of education usually leads our thoughts to the basic subjects
and going to school and doing homework, etc.
But what if it is even much deeper than that?
There are literally millions of children whose parents have
little or no education either, meaning that they too are not able to teach
their children. So if they cannot read
or write or reason basic math, much less know about the world that they are a
part of, then they will not be able to read the Bible. Even if someone reads to
them, how can they understand with little background knowledge to build
This is what we face in Uganda. Paul talks about it in Romans when he reasons
out this same thing’
“For everyone who
calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. How then will they call on him in
who they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they
have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how
are they to preach unless they are sent….?” Romans 10:12-15
We are so blessed that God has sent us. We are placing small multi-grade schools in
as many villages as the Lord gives to us. We are training and equipping
Missionary Educators to be those beautiful feet that will be taking the
knowledge of the Lord to these millions of children. They will be using the
Roots to Fruits curriculum that we have been developing for all these years.
We are here in the States to raise awareness for prayer and
financial support to begin and continue this vision. Please join us:
Come and participate
Come and teach
Send someone to come and teach
Support through sponsorship or general giving
More to come as the blessed adventure continues and may the
Lord find us faithful when He comes!!
Keith & Lisa Coggin
To Donate
Keith & Lisa Coggin Send to: Shepherd's Staff Missionary Facilitators Acct #6052
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Shepherd's Staff Missionary Facilitators
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