Happy New Year It has been entirely too long since we have written on our blog. So, let me do so now. We have just entered into the 2015 year. As the years pass by we begin to realize how important each moment really is. What are we doing with our minutes, hours, days and years? We are in the States right now until March 3 rd . We enjoyed the precious and valuable time we have had with our family members. Keith’s mom is now 81 years old, but still very sharp, although a couple of falls have caused her have to use a walker for assistance. My Dad is now 83 and he too, strong and sharp. But these days we have with them are short and then we will be gone for another year to Uganda. Our children and grandchildren are growing in the Lord and changing as well. We have had lots of time with them and it seems still not enough. Yet… As wonderful as it is to be with family, our hearts and minds are always go...