“This is the last time we are moving in this country, ever!!” This declaration came from both Keith and I as we loaded up our cars, locked our sweet rental house in Jinja and prepared to drive back to Gulu. After 15 years of living here, several families that worked with us for a time and then left, we have accumulated a lot of stuff!! “Why do we need all this stuff?” Those were declared in times of fatigue, and exhaustion, but bottom line is we praise God for His provisions of the resources we use and share here in Uganda. We are now residing at the Educator Development Institute. When we renovated it several years ago, we made one office room and a closet into a bedroom and bathroom so that we could stay there when we were teaching late into the evening. Now we have claimed one more office room and closed in a foyer to make a living room and kitchen. A small apartment inside the EDI. Closet into a bathroom ...