
Letter for Support #1

Dear Facebook friends, For the last several years, we and the ministry in Uganda, have gone through many changes. That’s a very broad statement and all these changes are too many to explain, so let’s just skip down to the time we have been back in the United States. When we changed our residence from Uganda to Alabama in October of 2019, the call to create and develop Roots to Fruits Christian Curriculum (R2F) for African schools did not change. In fact, we believe that the Lord called us back so we could gain a larger team to work together to complete it and distribute it. At present, we work with the R2F Missionaries team in Uganda, who are Therese Macfarlane, Cathy Morris and Karen Odel. Also, the Ugandan teacher trainers for R2F, Joseph and Daniel. The team in the United States are the prayer supporters, financial supporters, and writers, Rachel Kolb, Kelly Kremkau, and the format/editor—Belinda Brown. We are asking the Lord to add more ...
Greetings from Uganda, We would like to reconnect with all of you who will receive this letter from us. For many years we sent email updates to you, until the advance in technology decided that bulk emails were spam. We tried to advance with the social media scene, but began to realize that we have somehow lost touch with many of you. So we learned a new way to get our email update back out. We will be in the U.S. from Dec.29- Mar.30. Please contact us it you would like for us to visit you to share more about what we are doing here. If some of you do not want to receive our updates, just let us know and we will remove you from our list. But, we want to thank you for the past years that you have been connected with us. Also, we would really like to hear from you. When we ask you to pray for us, please also allow us the privilege of praying for you. We are still serving the Lord here in Uganda. The vision has always been, and still is...
Our Call Missions Visit to the Village Learning Center         September 2017 Although the drive to the Village of Latordore is long, (3 hours from Gulu), it is always an uplifting experience to visit the Village Learning Centers. After reaching the town of Kitgum, we turn onto a dirt road for the next hour. As we pass through each trading center along the way, memories return of the time when there were IDP camps during the LRA war. We thank God for the development and that lives seem more normal now.   I use the word ‘seem’ because daily movements and activities do not depict what is going on in the hearts and minds of people. Over 20 years of living through that horrible war where children were abducted and murder and rape were common, leaves deep worldview shifts and scars. Thus our mission in teaching children the truth of God’s word and introducing them to Jesus through their daily school curriculum, thereby helping to shape a Bib...
“This is the last time we are moving in this country, ever!!” This declaration came from both Keith and I as we loaded up our cars, locked our sweet rental house in Jinja and prepared to drive back to Gulu. After 15 years of living here, several families that worked with us for a time and then left, we have accumulated a lot of stuff!! “Why do we need all this stuff?” Those were declared in times of fatigue, and exhaustion, but bottom line is we praise God for His provisions of the resources we use and share here in Uganda. We are now residing at the Educator Development Institute. When we renovated it several years ago, we made one office room and a closet into a bedroom and bathroom so that we could stay there when we were teaching late into the evening. Now we have claimed one more office room and closed in a foyer to make a living room and kitchen. A small apartment inside the EDI.  Closet into a bathroom ...